FORCC, The Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut, Inc. is a nonprofit alliance of canonical Eastern Orthodox Churches. Orthodoxy is officially recognized as the fourth largest faith in our state. According to our bylaws, the Fellowship, FORCC, is organized for charitable, religious and educational purposes.
This organization was founded in 1993 to promote a better understanding and relationship between our own Eastern Orthodox Churches and the community. We provide service to brothers and sisters in our Orthodox parishes and to the community at large. We have made contributions to prison ministries, to Hopeline, to many charities within our own state.
We are committed to supporting our youth. At our annual benefit banquet we give four scholarships. We have sponsored speakers at Yale University and The University of Connecticut. We design and offer an annual full day seminar for church school teachers. Our annual children's talent show has been well received. All of our programs are open to the public. We communicate annually with all public school boards of education informing them of the dates of our Holy Week and Pascha. We request that no special events or tests be given during this solemn time so that Orthodox students and teachers can devote their time attending the liturgical services of the church. School superintendents have responded favorably to this information about our holy days.
Throughout the year we offer educational programs for adults on topics such as health care options for seniors, Internet safety, services for caring for the elderly, campus Orthodox fellowships and many others.
We greet everyone by sponsoring Paschal billboards throughout the state.
Parishes are invited to offer an annual membership donation and parishioners are also encouraged to donate to FORCC throughout the year and during our annual benefit banquet, which is held on the first Sunday in October.